Professional Spray Tanning

Single tans from £15

Pre Tan Instructions:

  • Wax at least 24hrs before, Shave at least 12hrs before
  • Exfoliate & moisturise the day before your tan
  • Wear no creams, deodorant or perfume to your tanning appointment
  • Dark loose clothes are recommended to be worn after your tan
  • Post Tan Instructions:
  • Wear no creams, deodorant or perfume to your tanning appointment
  • Dark loose clothes are recommended to be worn after your tan

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Why Spray Tan?



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Giving you a natural looking tan you can wear all year round. Using high end organic quality product UNREAL flawless results every time!



Spray tanning the natural way by an experienced professional tan technician using high end products, giving a natural looking tan every time. A Spray tan does not have to look like a fake tan. I tan my clients to look natural giving them a subtle healthy colour that suits their skin type from a tanning room within my home. Tan the natural way, tan the safe way!


UNREAL Sunless Tanning

Highest Quality of DHA

Vegan Approved


Non Harming to the skin

© Copyright 2016 OrganicTantastic